Bloemen bezorgen


We like you florist of Veldhoven

Delivery of flowers in Veldhoven. Order before 12:00 in our webshop. And we personally make your bouquet with fresh quality flowers. In our webshop you will find different bouquets. make a choice and we will deliver your bouquet the same day Of course you can add a message with a card to your bouquet.

  • Bloemenhuis Bouman has given a good feeling since 1954 in Veldhoven and the surrounding area.

  • Day fresh flowers

  • Unique and carefully bound your bouquet by our florists

  • Personal delivery in Veldhoven & surroundings

  • Vase guarantee

  • Sustainable Florist

Help with Ordering?

Flowers deliver Veldhoven but ok nationwide! The delivery costs in Eindhoven are € 4.95. other places region € 6.95.

Strutting to choose? Contact us on 0031 (0)40 211 32 48 or email