Wedding bouquets

A bridal bouquet as you want it, we make everything to your liking. A bridal bouquet is more than just a loose bosie flowers. It is by our florist with passion and care to your liking with the most beautiful flowers. which really suits you. There is as much as possible, but how do you choose your personal wedding bouquet. First go off what ji likes. your quiet. color or flower species like roses. Gerberas or seizens flowers. This is how you can make a unique sparkling bouquet that suits your wedding day!

A bridal bouquet as you want it, we make everything to your liking. A bridal bouquet is more than just a loose bosie flowers. It is by our florist with passion and care to your liking with the most beautiful flowers. which really suits you. There is as much as possible, but how do you choose your personal wedding bouquet. First go off what ji likes. your quiet. color or flower species like roses. Gerberas or seizens flowers. This is how you can make a unique sparkling bouquet that suits your wedding day!

Corsage, is a piece of jewelry on your clothes these days

And it makes it a complete plate for you as a bridal couple. The groom corsage is a work of art in itself. Using the flowers of the bridal bouquet, the groom is passionately groomed corsage by our florist.

In order not to damage your suit, use wi from now on mag-neeties.

And it makes it a complete plate for you as a bridal couple. The groom corsage is a work of art in itself. Using the flowers of the bridal bouquet, the groom is passionately groomed corsage by our florist.

In order not to damage your suit, use wi from now on mag-neeties.

Decoration at your wedding venue

We can brighten up your wedding location with beautiful bouquets. flower arrangements. chair decoration or table vases in the style of your bridal bouquet. Much is possible, we can get and discuss ideas on location. (photos of wedding location is also sufficient) Of course we deliver and place all flowers at your wedding location when he wishes.

We can brighten up your wedding location with beautiful bouquets. flower arrangements. chair decoration or table vases in the style of your bridal bouquet. Much is possible, we can get and discuss ideas on location. (photos of wedding location is also sufficient) Of course we deliver and place all flowers at your wedding location when he wishes.